Executing Ideas
Are companies really empowered to execute your ideas?
I have always found the english language to be interesting. Possibly its most curious trait is the way the same word can mean two wildly different things.
In my last blog, I mentioned executing ideas.
I’m guessing that over the years you have found agencies to execute your ideas – to carry them out. But have any of those companies really been empowered to execute your ideas? Or have your marketing companies, the same ones you’ve entrusted to help grow your business, simply been a vendor who does what you say?
You see, not every one of your ideas should be seen through. And it usually takes a brave person to tell you that. That someone must not only be able to look at your ideas objectively, but they must also have the guts to execute the bad ideas – to kill them. They must at the same time, be able to nurture the seeds of potentially successful ideas, and carry out the ones that are indeed great.
Of course, killing and idea before it has received adequate care isn’t what I’m suggesting at all. But, what we all need to be aware of is that we are in an industry that must guide, consult, urge, and sometimes fight to execute the great idea, and execute the bad ones.